Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reason 1,001...

After picking and selling corn for 3 1/2 hours this afternoon, I dropped the boys off at VBS and headed home to put up my feet and cool off.

I walked into my messy "still-have-not-had-time-to-unpack-from-vacation" kitchen and what to my weary eyes did appear but this:

Flowers - for me! Not from my husband or one of my 3 boys but from my oldest son's girlfriend, Karli. 

Now you know the 1,001th reason I love her so much. (And yes, that beautiful girl in the picture is her.) She has been such a blessing to me and my family and I sure will miss her when she heads off to college in the fall.

Plus, while she is gone who is going to come over and help balance out the testosterone levels at our home? Oh, dear...


  1. You are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in your life. Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. You could get a female cat to even it out a bit. ;)
