Friday, September 3, 2010

My Weekly Wonder: Bubblin' Bubblin Pies

I baked two beautiful rhubarb pies today.  Now, the fact that I baked two pies is not my 'Weekly Wonder'.  
In fact, I am a pretty good baker which is the better end of the meal to be good at anyhow.  
I mean if your main dish is 'bleh' you can always make up for with a good dessert, right?

Anywhoo, on top of two rhubarb pies, 

I also baked some Peanut Butter Truffle Brownies and a Peaches n Cream Cheesecake this week.


Mhmmm, yummy.  Taking them over to a friends house tonight for a fish fry.  
Well, except for the Peaches n Cream Cheesecake.  
What you are seeing there is the last piece and I ate that this afternoon before the kids came home from school.  
(Yeah, sneaky, I know.)

What made me sit back in wonder was what happened after I took my pies out of the oven and set them out to cool. 
They just kept bubbling away - popping and sizzling. 
The combination of the sights and sounds made me giggle like a little kid. 

It looked and sounded something like this:

(Watch on full screen for best enjoyment factor.)

Isn't that just the coolest?!?  Lo-ve it!  It's like Rhubarb Lava Pie.  (tee-hee)

Have a great Labor Day weekend!  

Hope YOU find something to wonder at.

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